Discovering My Path: Blending Nature and Magic

Nature has always been an integral part of my life. Many of my fondest memories are of family camping and hiking trips. I first learned about mushrooms and foraging from my dad, and I learned about flowers and gardening from my mom. It was in these wild spaces that I found a world of empathy and inspiration that sparked a life-long connection to the natural world. 

After graduating from college, I found myself feeling creatively stagnant and stuck. The art and design institute I attended taught me a lot, but traditional art forms seemed inadequate to express my deepest ideas and feelings. My partner was the one who suggested I try making a tarot deck. I had always been drawn to tarot, had started a few collaged cards, and my thesis work was heavily influenced by archetypal symbolism. Yet, it never crossed my mind that this could be the vehicle for my creativity. 

Reflecting on my childhood experiences, I embarked on a new journey: creating a tarot deck that evoked the elements of nature that I cherished so much. Though it started as a personal project, my quest was not just to create a set of cards, but to share a piece of my soul and my deep love for nature’s magic. Bringing the Forager’s Daughter Tarot to life gave me the courage to share my ideas and reignited my passion for artmaking. Through the tarot deck, and my other work, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to connect with people from all over the world who share a similar interest in the wild spaces that surround us and the mysteries they hold. These pieces are not just a set of cards or printed illustrations – they’re a tribute to the wonders of nature and the curiosity of childhood. They remind us to stay connected to the earth and ourselves, and embody the journey from feeling lost to discovering one’s true path. 

Each piece and project is approached from an artist's standpoint with the goal of creating a meaningful experience for the user from start to finish. This means everything from the packaging to the weight of the cardstock or the metal finish is considered. I have a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in painting, but use my training in design, digital art, marketing, and business practices every day to create cohesive and professional pieces. 

Everything is dreamed up in my home-studio, minutes away from the childhood house where I grew up playing in the dirt under towering pine trees. I carefully consider all design choices and elements, work with trusted manufacturers to achieve quality products,  package them carefully, and then ship them out to you. 

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