New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus | Tuesday, May 7

Here is a five-card #tarotspread reflecting some of the themes of the new moon and the sign it will be in, Taurus. Taurus energy is earthy, grounding, and reminds us to bridge the material with the spiritual. Use your favorite tarot or oracle deck, take a deep breath, and focus on each of the questions as you pull your cards.

I did a reading for myself, the first time in a long while actually. Very interesting that all the cards are major arcana! Hopefully you’ll be inspired by my reading to pull some cards of your own, or maybe these messages will also resonate with you.

Release: The Devil – I know that this is pointing to my tendency to splurge on unnecessary purchases when I’m feeling down or upset. I think it is a way for me to feel a little more in control, and the Devil card definitely speaks to systems of control and power. It’s something I’m actively focusing on during this new moon – freezing any extra spending and fighting the urge to want more than I have and be happy/make do what with is already established.

Recharge: The Empress – This one is also super obvious to me, and it means reconnecting with nature (which is always a big source of grounding when I feel icky) but also with my creativity. I have been doing a lot of yard work, planting flowers, and it is definitely helping me feel less stressed and like I am using my creativity in a different way. The Empress is an excellent Taurus card because it reminds us to enjoy the pleasures and sensualities of life.

Potential: The Sun – Valuing myself more means that I am happier, more confident, and can easily see good opportunities that are presented to me. This leads to those around me feeling lighter (I’m thinking about friends and family, happiness is contagious), more optimistic, and maybe even to successful connections and collaborations. I can help uplift and inspire others when my vision and mood are clearer.

Intention: The Fool – Sometimes we need to acknowledge and embrace our vulnerabilities to know where we need to build up our fortitudes. The Fool reminds me to not shy away from those less experienced parts of myself, and to even take advantage of intentional risk-taking. How often do we thrive when trying something new, even when we thought we would fail? Am I overlooking opportunities that would lead to stability for fear of treading into the unfamiliar?

Initiate: The Emperor – This has always been my downfall when it comes to setting healthy work/life boundaries – structure. I have my routines, but when it comes to working I often throw everything else to the wind in favor of a lucid creative moment or feeling especially productive. But it is necessary to set those guidelines for myself – the out of office hours, planning ahead, etc – and I really do need to be better about following them. Otherwise everything bleeds together and I feel chaotic.  


The Hierophant and Morels


The Gatherer - from the Artifacts & Envoys Oracle