Six of Pentacles - Deep Dive Series

Elements: Earth – representing the material realm of finances, physical work, our bodies and health, and I also include physical comforts such as our homes and the people/things within them

Numerology: Sixes represent a restoration of balance, harmony, and a connection between the material and the spirit. These cards indicate seeking comfort and security through the elements presented in each suit, particularly after the conflict or hardship presented in the previous Fives.

Traditional Imagery: A finely clothed man stands in front of a pair of beggars with patched and dirty cloaks. From his right hand he is tossing down coins to one figure, and in another he holds a set of scales. The beggars have their hands out waiting to accept the coins. In the background almost off screen is a castle, along with a forest or field and a clear sky.

The surface meaning of this card is obvious – it is a message of charity, of giving to those who need it most and of expecting no reward in return. In a reading this card could indicate that the querent is in a secure position financially and can find fulfillment through sharing their resources with others. Alternatively, the querent may be in the position of the two beggars, needing to gratefully and graciously accept the gifts being offered to them.

FD Tarot Imagery: Various creatures are seen converging around a lush strawberry bush. The strawberries are ripe and plentiful, offering an abundance of nourishment and shade from the sun. Butterflies, bees, birds, and chipmunks are all present in the scene. Six rose-gold coins are balanced within the berry leaves and brambles.

When I was designing this card I immediately thought of the bird feeders and baths that my mom has placed throughout their yard. In front of the bay window in the living room she has multiple, and in the summer you can sit and watch all kinds of wildlife come and go. I wanted this card to represent a communal source of sustenance and nourishment.

The full Deep Dive write-up can be found on my Patreon.


Deep Dive Series: Knight of Swords


March Postcards