Sunday Thoughts

I'm sharing a little behind-the-scenes today. I woke up with the intention of working, had a small to-do list ready, and then stopped myself. Overworking is something I've struggled a lot with in the past, and I am trying to be better about setting work/home boundaries. I supposed you could consider this post work but it feels important to share, because I'm sure there are others who feel similarly.

So instead of my to-do list, I cleaned up my workspace to prep myself for being productive tomorrow. I do have a few orders to pack, because they need to go out Monday, but other than that I'm giving myself the day off. I took yesterday off as well. It is difficult and I actively have to catch myself and redirect my focus. But I am feeling overall more relaxed and connected to those I care about.

I can't completely shake the urge to be productive, so I've renewed an old interest in beaded jewelry. I have boxes and boxes of beads from when I was a teenager, and recently purchased some pretty new ones. This meticulous and meditative process feeds my need to be creative but also lets me binge-watch the X-Files in bed, if I choose (and I am).

I guess my point is it's important for us all to find time to relax, to set healthy boundaries, and have interests outside of work. It seems obvious. I know there are people who are able to clock out and shut off. I feel incredibly lucky to be able to do what I do, I love my work because it lets me be creative, but focusing too much on that part of my life causes a lot of stress and eventually burnout.

Anyway, I hope you all are relaxing if you can and enjoying the weekend before Monday morning comes :)


October Collective Tarot Reading


August Collective Reading