The Enlightened - from the Artifacts and Envoys Deck

Illumination. Self-Awareness. Empathy. Knowing yourself more fully makes it easier to understand others and how they perceive you. The mirror is an echo of reality, but also a portal for self-reflection. This awareness allows us to see the radiance of others and extend kindness to them despite their differences and flaws. When the Enlightened appears, take some time to reflect on how you are perceiving others, and they you. What aspects of yourself need some deep mending and acceptance? What role does the superficial play in your life right now?

The Artifacts & Envoys Oracle features iconic tools, artifacts, and objects integral to our development and survival as humans, along with carefully selected animal messengers. Together these images create an illustrated archetype: facets of ourselves and of those around us. The Artifacts & Envoys deck is designed to be a companion to the Forager's Daughter Tarot, mirroring our connection to nature while highlighting the innovation and ingenuity inherent to history.

This project is still in the very early stages, so be sure to follow my social media or join my monthly newsletter to stay updated on its progress!


A PSA: Watch out for counterfeit tarot decks!


The Tiller - from the Artifacts and Envoys Deck