A new oracle deck in the works

Introducing the Artifacts & Envoys Oracle - a deck of archetypes

This is what I've been working on over the past few months, and I'm finally ready to share the news officially! This is an oracle deck featuring some iconic tools, artifacts, and objects integral to our development and survival as humans, along with carefully selected animal messengers. Together these images create an illustrated archetype: facets of ourselves and of those around us. The Artifacts & Envoys deck is designed to be a companion to the Forager's Daughter Tarot, mirroring our connection to nature while highlighting the innovation and ingenuity inherent to our history.

These are the first three cards: The Deadeye, The Gatherer, and The Conqueror.

This project is still in the very early stages, but I will be sharing news here and more in-depth updates over on my Patreon page. If you would like to see the sketches, design process, inspiration, writing, and more, please consider checking the page out to stay updated!


April Birth Flower - The Sweet Pea


Throwback Thursday - Knight of Wands