April Postcards & Patreon Open

I'm back from my mini break, and feeling a little more rested but most importantly organized and excited to begin connecting with everyone again! What did you have going on last month? What's new and exciting for April? Spring is here finally for us and seeing all the plants and critters waking up has been so refreshing and inspiring. It is much harder for me to feel inspired and connected with the world during the winter months, so I'm glad for the boost of energy this warmer weather is giving me. The Patreon page is back open for new memberships, and my April newsletter has gone out as well. I have a ton of stuff to share throughout the month, including some very big and exciting project updates! I'm picking up where I left off in the sacred tree theme for the monthly postcards and wallpapers with Alder.

This tree thrives in swampy or boggy areas and on riverbanks, and in fact the wood of the Alder tree becomes incredibly strong when submerged in water. This made it useful in building bridges, barrels, lochs, and other structures that need resistance against water damage and decay. There is a lot of interesting folklore surrounding Alder, and this Ogham is associated with secrecy, warriorhood, guarding, and protection. I wanted this illustration to have a shrouded, secret feeling, hence the key (which mimics the Ogham symbol) and the Alder catkins draping over the image. The phone wallpaper (and desktop wallpaper) are available now for Patreon members, and I'll be sharing a write-up with more Alder symbolism in the coming weeks.

Here is the illustration as my phone background!


Throwback Thursday - Knight of Wands


FD Hermit Card Featured Internationally