Gemini Season Begins

Gemini season is here, and the sun will be in the sign of the twins until June 20. Being an air sign, Gemini energy is all about conversation, communication, sharing ideas, and understanding how we relate to others. Air is the realm of the abstract, intellect, and the exchange of information. Over the coming weeks, pay attention to the words you use with others as well as yourself. Our internal dialogue is just as important as our external ones! Use this season’s energy to explore new ideas and research topics that excite you. This would be a great time to sign up for a class, workshop, or seminar. Most importantly, be flexible and adaptable to change – remember that Gemini is a mutable sign, moving and flowing around obstacles like the wind.

Gemini Sign Qualities/Traits

Planet: Mercury

Element: Mutable Air

Colors: Blue, White, & Yellow

Strengths: curious, playful, intellectual, spontaneous, adaptable, analytical, articulate, sociable, love learning new things and sharing what they find with others

Challenges: restlessness, impulsive, indecisive, overly critical, esoteric, emotionally evasive, trouble committing, always changing their minds


Crystals/Stones: Blue Lace Agate, Howlite, Tiger’s Eye

Herbs/Oils/Fragrances: Mint, Lavender, Calendula

Tarot Cards: The Lovers, 8/9/10 of Swords

The Lovers card focuses on themes of attraction, partnership, and duality, not only in our relationships but also in significant decisions we make throughout our lives. We often wonder which paths we are most drawn to, and what it feels like to align with our sense of self or a deeper purpose. Ideally, our choices lead us to a feeling of union, completion, and wholeness.

Gemini is represented by the image of the Twins and is connected to the Lovers card through similar threads of duality, balance, and bringing together two parts of one whole. The Lovers card often suggests finding and working with someone who complements our own personality and motivations. Here, balance plays a crucial role in discerning when to merge fluidly with another and when to maintain our autonomy and individuality.

The card spread above reflects these themes and aims to provide a better understanding of the Lovers card and the Gemini sign. To begin, find the Lovers card in your tarot deck (or a comparable card if you're using an oracle deck) and place it at the top of your workspace. Take a deep breath, shuffle the deck, and focus on each of the questions as you pull the remaining cards.

Each sign has three minor cards associated with it as well, representing the three deacons, or subdivisions, of that sign. They provide a sort of narrative or progression that gives us another facet of the sign and deeper ways to relate to and understand it. For Gemini, these are the 8, 9, and 10 of Swords which correlate with the air element.

The 8 of Swords refers to the intellectual and mental blocks that Gemini often faces. This is when our thought processes interfere with our decision-making and progress. In the 8 of Swords this is often severe self-criticality or fears and anxieties that stop us from seeing the world clearly. These thoughts create a cage where we are afraid to move or make a decision. To overcome this state of mind, we need to use our analytical and reasoning skills. What is actually keeping us trapped? What is the reality of the situation and how is our perception being clouded?

The 9 of Swords illustrates the result of being unable to overcome those fears and anxieties, when they have become exaggerated and overwhelming. This is a mind that loses the ability to reason and is ruled by tremendous emotion. We lose sleep, and begin feeling the physical effects of our mental stress. It showcases the importance in Gemini of being able to see both sides to a matter, and to use logic and intellect to stave off what is unrealistic. This is a time when we may need the help of others, either through guidance, counseling, or medicine to calm the storm and regain control.

The 10 of Swords is the finale of this narrative, and shows the crash and burn that sometimes is inevitable and even needed when an idea, belief, or work must come to an end. Gemini is highly intellectual but must balance that side of themselves with intuition, knowing when to pull back and listen to our limitations and boundaries (both moral and physical). The 10 of Swords represents having overcommitted our mental energy and being left with only pain and suffering. Remember that endings are natural, and when one door closes another must open. Ask yourself how the ‘death’ of the 10 of Swords might actually be an opportunity for liberation and freedom, and what waits for you on the horizon.

Cards are from the Forager’s Daughter Tarot.


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