An Oracle Compendium?

Hey There!

If you’re here you’ve probably been following my progress of the Artifacts & Envoys Oracle. I’m so excited with how the cards are turning out, and to be sharing these updates with you all!

Since the project started, I’ve been collecting notes and research about the animals and artifacts featured in the deck’s images. I plan to include a full-sized guidebook that will explain each card’s symbolism and meaning, but have been toying with the idea for another compendium book. This second compendium would include more of the research that we aren’t able to fit into the guidebook. This could be anything from scientific facts about the plants/animals depicted, or more detailed history of the use of the artifacts, traditional materials used for their construction, etc. I think this knowledge is fascinating and may offer some deeper connection to the cards and their messages. I’d also like to include more “behind-the-scenes” content like preliminary sketches and ideations.

However, it’s a lot of work to compile, organize, and design this content on top of the deck and guidebook themselves. So I’m curious to hear your thoughts and feedback, if this compendium would be something you’d like to see as a part of the campaign. Please use the simple form below to tell me what you think, or leave a comment at the bottom of this post!

Some of the reference images and sketches that I have collected, just for fun!

Image Sources:

Apache Burden Basket,

Two of my own sketchbook pages for the bow and arrow card

Pigments in octopus skin, Science Friday, “Secrets of Cephalopod Camouflage”,

Another of my sketches for the oil lamp

Roman Bronze Oil Lamp, Christie’s,

Greek Diadem, British Museum,

Arrow Fletching,, “Features of National Hunting”,


Card Comparisons


The Domesticate - from the Artifacts and Envoys Oracle