Read the writing for the Artifacts & Envoys Deck

I’ve been sharing snippets of the writing for the Artifacts & Envoys cards, but don’t think I’ve shared an image of what the guidebook pages will look like yet (though I did in some of my newsletters, so remember to join that list if you want first-hand updates)!

We’re following essentially the same style as the Forager’s Daughter Tarot guidebook since they are companion decks, but also I love having a larger version of the card to look at and reference. You can really see all the details and colors, and maybe notice something that will spark insight into your readings!

I’ll be sharing a page that lists all the current book spreads in my next newsletter which goes out on the 2nd. If you want to read more about each card, scroll to the bottom of this page to sign up!


A little tarot inspiration…


Card Comparisons